About A NO Dealers in Seymour, CT

Wood Rot Repair in [city 1] & Nearby

Rotted Wood

Conditions that may cause rot

  • Water vapor in unvented kitchens, bathrooms and laundries
  • Water spillage around showers and tubs
  • Leakage of water into a basement or crawl space from outside
  • Plumbing leaks
  • Leakage of water behind exterior window and door casings
  • Inadequate flashing around windows, doors and roof penetrations
  • Roof leaks
  • Improper caulking
  • Storage of lumber or firewood against a structure
  • Piles of debris near a structure

Rotting wood is the bane of many homeowners. It typically occurs in building assemblies where water has managed to infiltrate, such as door sills, behind exterior window and door casings, roof decking, sill plates, decking, column bases, trim, and anywhere wood comes in contact with earth.

It may also happen inside very damp crawl spaces and other damp areas of a home. Before replacing rotting wood, our specialists will suggest ways to eliminate the conditions that caused the rot. They include the installation of vent fans, louver vents, gutter repair, regarding, basement waterproofing, roof patching and flashing repair.

If the structural integrity of your home is being threatened by wood rot, contact the experts at A NO Dealers for an inspection and repair estimate in [major cities 3] and nearby areas of [state]. We provide effective solutions for all types of wood rot. Contact us today!

Wood repair or replace replacement

If damage is superficial, our carpenters may recommend patching it, typically with epoxy filler. Decorative wooden columns, for example, can often be patched. If the damage is extensive or has occurred in a structural member, we will replace the wood. Pressure-treated lumber may be used as the replacement as well as PVC derived wood substitutes.

A NO Dealers will be happy to quote on replacing wood that has been damaged in other ways than rot, such as from high winds, fallen tree limbs, vehicles, and fire.

Damp wood invites insects

Where there is rot, there are often wood-damaging insects, such as termites and carpenter ants. If we spot an infestation during our inspection, we’ll suggest a pest exterminator. Once the insects have been controlled, we will replace the affected wood and address the source of moisture to prevent recurrence.

Get an estimate for wood rot & dry rot repair in [state]

At A NO Dealers, we specialize in repairing and replacing damaged wood throughout the home. For a no-obligation repair quote, call us at 1-800-640-1500 or send us an email today! We serve [state], including [major cities 1], [minor cities 1] and nearby.

Serving [state abbr] including the Greater [city 1] area
Our [state] Service Area